Friday, June 26, 2009

9 weeks 4 days

According to my doctor, I am 9 weeks 4 days. Yes, I know I have neglected the blog world thus far so I guess I have some catching up to do....

So this pregnancy has been full of doctor visits, not due to anything bad, well except my insurance. Long story short I am on my third, and final, doctor. The first was no longer covered under my insurance, the second was not my ideal doctor, and the third is so far wonderful. With the swarm of appointments comes lots of ultrasounds! Here is a list of milestones we saw with u/s pics:

Doctor #1: (6 Weeks)We saw the heartbeat! It was just a little tiny bean on the screen with a beating heart! It was beating at 116bpm. One of the most amazing moments!

Doctor #2: (6.5 weeks)Saw hb again and flippers! My mom was able to experience this appointment with me and the baby made sure to give Grandma a quick flipper wave!

Doctor #3: (9 weeks) We saw amazing growth! Our little bean is now forming beautifully! He/She had arms, legs, fingers, toes, and a strong 176bpm heartbeat! Oh, and we HEARD the heartbeat! Once I figure out how to get it on here I will post the video! Here is the latest picture:

For the most part the nausea has subsided and the hunger has kicked in full force. I am trying to eat small meals but it seems like the small meals need to happen very often. I have not had any real cravings yet. There are things that sound good but nothing that I am dying for. I am enjoying that for right now. I am having some random food adversions. My biggest disgusts are peanut butter, vanilla extract, garlic, chicken, and most of all spaghetti sauce.

Last weekend we went to visit Grandpa Ben at the FL National Cemetery with Grandma and afterwards we hit the local Olive Garden. I decided to order the tour of italy which includes lasanga. Big mistake! My Dad sat across from me and he thought it was quite amusing. I didn't lose my dinner but the lasagna did not look anywhere near appetizing. Disaster was avoided by boxing up the food and bringing it home for Rob to eat.

Well all this speaking of food has left a rumble in my stomach which I must feed. I will try to keep everyone updated on the status of everything as the time comes.