It was Tuesday (March 9, 2009) and I wasn't feeling too well. I had some of the typical early symptoms but I waived it off as nothing. My lovely coworker, Alyse, looked at me and said the magic words. Back-up! I must mention who knew first. My dogs. I know it sounds crazy but for about a week and half they insisted on never leaving my side. They both would fight over cuddling up and scratching at my stomach. This is not like them at all. Ok, back to the work story...I told her she was crazy and went on with my day. At 3:30 I followed my routine and changed into my gym clothes for a 4:15 workout with my dad. As I was leaving Alyse threatened, in a kind way of course, that I was not to return to work the next day unless I had peed on a stick. While driving home I felt quite tired decided to pass on going to the gym for a good nap. Before I could even hit the pillow of the couch I was sleeping. When I finally woke up Alyse's voice was replaying in my head especially after the unusual nap. So I ran down to the store and picked up a test to please her and now ease my own wandering mind. After setting the box in the bathroom for the next morning I decided it was time for bed.
I woke the next morning to "The Stick". Well sure enough I opened it up and read the instructions and followed them precisely. I sat it down and continued my morning routine to get ready for work. I looked at the clock at the desired time had passed. I glanced over to The Stick and there was a plus sign. Surely, a plus must mean negative, right? I scrambled through the trash to find the instructions again with the hopes that the real world does not use common math symbols. Obviously I was wrong. Ok, so that is one test. How accurate is that? I went to a sleeping Rob, who was aware of the dilemma, and explained the plus sign. He, thankfully, was quite....thrilled. (I hesitated to find a word to fit the emotion. I still do not think I nailed it.) We both agreed we would not say a word until we knew for sure.
On my way to work I called my Doc and made an appointment, which I must add is not until March 31! I spoke to Nichol the rest of the way to work and it helped the nerves. It was about lunch time when I called Rob to say hi, when he informed me how many people he shared the news with. He is so giddy and excited. Anyway, this story is getting quite long so I will speed it up. Throughout the next few days I continued to take all the tests I purchased and each one came back with the same result so I am finally agreeing with The Stick.
Those digital tests are great eh!