Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Doctor Visit

My routine 2nd trimester visit was today. It was a brief visit but I was excited to hear the heartbeat again. The last few visits have been with a certified nurse midwife which I thought I would enjoy more than a doctor for a number of reasons including the thought of a closer relationship than a doctor would offer. Today I opted to visit with the doctor and was pleasantly surprised. She was warm, caring, listened to all my concerns and even took the time to describe everything she was doing and I should be doing during the pregnancy. I have made my decision to try and stick with her through the rest of my appointments and ideally she will deliver the baby. It will be hard to truly choose who will deliver since it is a large practice and it will all depend on who is on-call that day. Well back to the actual appointment, she used a doppler to find the baby's beautiful heartbeat. My heart wanted to steal the show and cover-up the baby's heartbeat but the baby eventually won and it was about 138 bpm. The doctor also released me back to lifting weights at the gym. (I immediately text my trainer when I left and said he needs to tone up my flabby legs and floppy arms!) She was also satisfied with my weight gain and even offered me the ability to gain a little more. I believe I will still continue on my path of healthy eating with the occasional sweets for right now. I figure I will make up for it once the third trimester kicks in!

I also opted to take the second round of genetic testing at my next appointment since it will just include a more detailed ultrasound and some more blood work. My next appointment will be August 24 but that is truly an eternity when it comes to determining the gender so we have decided to have the 4d ultrasound this Friday! We have invited our parents to come enjoy the experience with us and we all are very excited. I am going to take votes before the ultrasound to see what everyone will guess: girl or boy?!

Girl or boy we know they will be a little soccer player. Last Thursday, July 30, 2009, I was sitting at work and felt a thump. Instinct made me immediately look down at my belly and think, woah, was that a kick?! A sat very still in hopes of feeling it again but apparently he/she was playing shy. Later that evening I was lying on the couch and Zoe cuddled up to my belly right near the baby and sure enough there was that thump again. It was amazing! Feeling him/her this early makes me sure they will be the next Mia Hamm or Landon Donovan!

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