Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A long awaited post...

Oh look, it's another overdue update. I will try and wrap this up pretty quickly seeing as though my fingers no longer want to type updates anymore. Jeez, you would think I was trying to take care of a million kids.

Monday, July 13, Rob and I woke up nice and early to eagerly go to our appointment at TGH for our nuchal screening test. This is the ultrasound that focuses on the back of the neck and other physical features of the baby to see the risk of downs. I was a little hesitant to go to the appointment after reading more about the high risk of a false positive. (In this case, a positive refers to the high risk of ds.) We checked in and before my bum could reach the soft coushin of the waiting room chair they had called us back. With a quick squirt of the warm jelly for the ultrasound and we were off. I swear the tech's main purpose was to push all of the jelly-like goo into my belly button so the rest of the day I would feel like my belly button was leaking. Don't worry, my belly button does not leak...I hope. the tech is performing the ultrasound we are getting some really great pics of the little one. In order for the tech to get a good measurement she must make the baby jump which she does so by hitting the ultrasound wand against the pile of goo which splatters across my belly. Of course, I did not mind seeing as I was highly entertained by watching the baby. As she was nearing the end of the test, I asked if she would be so kind to look a little further south. She willingly looked and received a great view of what appears to be a GIRL! Ok, so she was only about 75%-80% sure but it was still a glimmer of hope that we may know the sex of the baby! After the u/s we spoke with the high risk doctor who stated the baby is looking great and it does not look like there is a risk of ds. What a great day! She was so pleased with the progress of everything that she cancelled my appointment for the following week and put me back down as a regular patient and no longer high risk. (I was only high risk for one appointment.) After a quick poke for some bloodwork we were on our way. Here is one of our pictures from this visit. Yes, Rob pointed out she is smoking but I am choosing to ignore that. Once you see it you will not be able to ignore it either. Oh, and for the record I am taking that 75-80 percent chance of it being a girl and refering to the baby as a her from now on. Rob seems to disagree with this decision but that's his choice. His reasoning is what if it turns out to be a boy and we called it a girl this whole time. I tried explaining she will never know but he does not want to jump on the train.

Since that appointment, I finished up my Summer semester of classes and I am officially on summer break! Yesss! My Mom and I also hit up the outlets for some shopping. We went with the mindset that we will buy neutrals. WRONG! Besides the fact that the stores do not sell neutral anymore, we went slightly pink crazy. The sales were amazing and we couldn't pass it up! So we are really hoping this little bundle turns out to be a girl!

I found a coupon for a 4d ultrasound so I set up an appointment for August 7. I hope they will have a good view and tell us for sure if our little one will be a girl or boy. The waiting is awful! I also have another appointment at the doctor on August 4 for just a check up and my 2nd trimester bloodwork and then August 24 will be the big ultrasound at the doctor to determine, once again, the sex and count all fingers toes, etc..

The name debate still continues on and still continues to go nowhere. I think we are both pretty set on Hailey but cannot figure out the perfect middle name. Some of the contenders for middle names are Jayde, Rose (the only problem with Rose is the fact that if you say Hailey Rose Smith the "se" in Rose tends to slur with the "S" in Smith. Minor, I know but it is still an issue.) There are a million other names that sound nice with Hailey but just don't fit exactly to this baby. Hmm...Maybe we will focus a little harder once we know for sure the sex so we can really know if this will be the name. Maybe. Ok, that's all you get for today.

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