Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A joy in cleaning lost cookies

After my post yesterday I decided it was time to write about the delivery and the 89 day NICU stay. Do you like how I continue to remind you it was 89 days? 89 days, 89 days! That is 3 months. That is 1/4 of a year. It is the amount of time it takes marijuana to stop showing in your hair. A rabbit can have 3 separate pregnancies. 3 months is a very, very long time. I digress. So I was going to write about the delivery and NICU stay and all day I planned how I would sit at the computer and be brave. I finally settled down with a cup of roasted almonds, iced tea and the trusty computer...and then...I heard that awful noise that makes everyone cringe...Hailey 'lost her cookies' to say it politely. Thus began an evening of scrubbing the sofa, mopping the freshly cleaned wood floors and calming a now screaming baby. And you know what? I can honestly say I loved every moment of the scrubbing because I was able to be the one who helped my baby. I soothed her. I cleaned her mess. And I didn't have to ask if I can wipe my baby's mouth, change her spoiled clothes, or rock her to calm the tears. I was able to be a mother and not a bystander. It was 3 days before I was able to see my baby. It was 7 days before I was able to hold my baby. It was 89 days before she would come home. It was 135 days before I held my baby without being tied down to a beeping monitor. These numbers make me proud to care for my baby when she is not feeling well. After all, she is my baby.

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